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Temcoat PC-137

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An alkaline, low foaming water-base cleaner for in-process use in metal fabrication and prefinish operations. It is effective in removing a broad spectrum of manufacturing soils, including metalworking coolants, stamping compounds, drawing agents, rust inhibitors based on waxes and paraffin's, and many more. Temcoat PC-137 is not recommended for use on aluminum alloys, zinc castings, galvanized steel or zinc plate steel.


Metal Fabrication Pretreatment
Prefinish Operations Pretreatment


  • Contains heavy duty surfactants to lower the surface tension of soils, facilitating fast and efficient removal of organic-based soil contaminants
  • Contains no silicate components that interfere with finishing operations
  • Well suited for power washer applications as a stage 1 pre-cleaner


  • 5 gallon pails
  • 55 gallon drums
  • 275 gallon recyclable totes

Walker engineers water based steel and aluminum metalworking surface pretreatments and rinse agents for various applications. Customized and formulated to meet fabrication, pre-finish and post-finish requirements.

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Mike Avetis

Technical Sales Representative
[email protected]
Call Mike