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Non-Tracking Tack Coat

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An anionic slow setting asphalt emulsion specifically formulated for a faster curing than traditional tack coats, as well as a non-tracking, non-tacky finish. Non-Tracking Tack Coat emulsion has been designed for stability throughout application while still allowing for very quick curing times in the field leading to shorter return to traffic.


Asphalt Surface


  • Fast curing emulsion when used as a tack coat or fog seal
  • Low viscosity and may be further diluted with the addition of potable water
  • Provides a non-tracking finish when cured
  • Seals minor cracks on existing chip seal/HMA and enriches surface
  • Renews aged surfaces and prevents further oxidation
  • Helps prevent ravelling/stone loss on new or existing chi seal/HMA roads
  • Reduces snow damage, which is otherwise often experienced on chip sealed roads
  • May help reduce window claims seen during new chip seal construction by aiding in stone retention


  • 5 gallon pail /20 litre pail
  • 55 gallon drums / 205 litre drum
  • 250 gallon totes / 1000 litre tote
  • Bulk tank trucks

Walker’s asphalt emulsions support the road construction industry with high performance tack coats, surface treatments, cold mix recycled surfaces and stress absorbing membranes. Formulated to meet strict ministry standards.

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Rocco Battaglia

General Manager Strategic Procurement & Planning
[email protected]
Call Rocco