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Blower Cleaner

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Designed as a cleaner for blower systems. Regular application to blower systems as a part of regular maintenance helps to remove pitch and resin. Blower Cleaner can be added to heavy coatings of resin and pitch build-up on the inside to loosen pockets where accumulation occurs.


Industrial Blower Systems
Valves and Valve Parts


  • Concentrated solution may be used as regular maintenance while running
  • Will act as a penetrating solution for longer periods of time required for extreme build-up
  • Works well to loosen pitched valves and valve ports


  • 5 gallon pails
  • 55 gallon drums
  • 275 gallon recyclable totes

Water based alkaline or soap cleaners customized to handle tough grime. Walker Emulsions produces cleaners and degreasers formulated to clean hands, industrial equipment, machines, shop floors, and blower systems.

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Mike Arvetis

Technical Sales Representative
[email protected]
Call Mike